▼Ms.Vivi Georgaka(元弁護士、作家、詩人)

6回目の会員紹介は、 Ms. Vivi Georgaka(Greece)。
Facebookグループ「Obscura Photo Club」の主力メンバーとして、彼女は日々同グループの作品を検証してくれている。実は、彼女はギリシャのアテネ在住で、元弁護士であり、現在は作家、詩人として、歳を重ねながら学ぶ(生涯学習)にて余生を楽しんでいる。
先般、Ms. Vivi Georgakaからメッセージを頂いたので、是非、皆さんにアマチュアとしての彼女の作品をご紹介したい。以下の通り。
[Ms. Vivi Georgakaからメッセージ]
Lovely friends of the Obscura Photo Club, I am sending you my regards and I hope you are full with happiness, join and creativity. My name is Vivi Georgaka and I am from Athens of Greece. I am a retired lawyer as well as a writer and a poet.
I am not a professional photographer but my passion about photography started from my love of the free view and my need to combine my photos with words. Always asking your permission, I might reshare some of your beautiful photos that fulfill me with words, lyrics, feelings and desire for life.
Sometimes I am also enjoying sharing some of my personal simpler photos. I really want to thank you for accepting me in your group, it is a honor for me. I promise to keep improving my photo skills always following what ancient greek saying: "I am getting older but I am always being taught a lot (γηρασκω αει διδασκομενος)
▼Obscura Photo Club公式Facebookグループ

ロゼッタストーン公式サイト(since 1995/熊本県第一号WEBサイト)
