深夜、写真愛好家Facebookグループ「Obscura Photo Club」の掲載していた作品へメッセージが入った。覗き見ると、数年前に寿司店「都壽し」で出逢ったイタリア人(友人)からのメッセージだった。久しぶりだったが、かなりの親日家であり、日本通。俄かに「宮本武蔵」の話で盛り上がった。
▼写真愛好家Facebookグループ「Obscura Photo Club」
友人:Kumamoto ! My first visit in Japan !
筆者: Long time no see!!! Do you remember me at the sushi restaurant 'Miyako-sushi' in Kumamoto city?? Thanks a lot for your message here. Say hello to your friends !!!!!
友人: I remember very well! It was a wonderful night. Delightful foods, lovely conversation, and very good Ki. I'm really happy to meet again on Facebook. It's a real pleasure seeing your wonderful pictures that reminds me of Kumamoto. I visited Kumamoto for the first time about thirty years ago, and then again, when I met you last time. Thank you again. Sending you my best greetings from Italy!
筆者: I've ever been to Italy twice before. I love your country from the bottom of my heart. In fact, I started to do KENDO when I was 6 years old. So I recommend you 'The Book of Five Rings' written by Musashi MIyamoto if you're interested in his philosophy. It's very very popular with a lot of New Yorker in these days. I hope you keep in touch for a long time.
友人: I have read this book almost forty years ago. When I visited Kumamoto for the first time, I practiced Zazen at Reigan-Do, in Miyamoto Musashi cave. I still have a bokuto like the one he used to practice with. At that time I was leading a delegation of seventeen italin Budo Sensei. I was the President. To onouring Miyamoto Musashi, after that day, I named my school "Gorinkai"
筆者: Oh, fantastic !!! Long time ago, I knew the special person Mr. Buhei Yagi who lived in Hitoyoshi city, Kumamoto prefecture. His Kendo was 'Niten-Ichiryu' of Musashi. I've ever seen his KENDO once before. What a cool KENDO!!!
友人: Yes really fantastic!! Even because Hitoyoshi is the town where my Zen Rinzai Master, Hozumi Gensho Roshi. I have studied in his Temple, in Kameoka, and I am his disciple from thirty years. He gave me the name Gentetsu. where my zen rinzai master, Hozumi Gensho Roshi, was born.
筆者: I heard about it and your personal history when we met before there, I guess. I remember it !!! Exactly!!! :)
友人: Now in Japan is the middle of night I guess. Thank you for your time. Goodnight. I hope to see you again, hopefully in Japan or in Italy!
筆者: To tell the truth, I sometimes drop by your facebook and check it out... especially not only Zen but also KENDO movies. Good night.
友人: Thank you! And again, Good night.

▼壽し匠 都壽し(みやこすし)
熊本市下通1-7-7 GMビル1階(酒場通り)
◎ロゼッタストーン公式サイト(since 1995)
