ChatGPTのVoice Chat検証の延長線として、筆者が洋楽を歌い、その歌のタイトルをChatGPTに答えさせる実験を行った。
Nishida:I'll sing songs from now, and would you like to answer the song title, OK?
ChatGPT:Absolutely, go ahead and sing. I'll do my best to identify the song title for you.
Nishida:The first is, Hello, darkness, my friend. I've come to talk with you again.
ChatGPT:That's "The Sound of Silence" by Simon & Garfunkel. A classic song! Do you have another one for me to guess?
Nishida:Yes, that's right. And the second is l'm so young and you're so old. This, my darling,I've been told.
ChatGPT:That's "Diana" by Paul Anka. Another great choice! Do you have another song, or is there something else you'd like to talk about?
Nishida:That's Good. OK!
Nishida:I'll try to sing a song. I'm sitting in the railway station, got a ticket for my destination.
ChatGPT:That's "Homeward Bound" by Simon & Garfunkel. You're choosing some really classic songs! Would you like to continue with more songs, or is there something else you're interested in?
Nishida: That’s great! Are you ready?
ChatGPT:Sure, go ahead! I'm ready to hear what you'll sing next.
Nishida:When you're weary, feeling small, When tears are in your eyes, I will dry them all.
ChatGPT:That's "Bridge Over Troubled Water," also by Simon & Garfunkel. You're really into their music, aren't you? Anything else you'd like to share or ask about?
Nishida:Would you like to sing a song for me next?
ChatGPT:I can't sing for you, but I can certainly help with lyrics, information about songs, or anything else you're curious about. Feel free to ask!
Nishida:It's okay, so l'm gonna try again.
Hmm, well, uh... Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain.
ChatGPT:That's "Rhythm of the Rain" by The Cascades. A lovely song about rain and heartache. Do you have another song in mind, or is there something else you'd like to talk about?
Nishida:And now the end of year, that's so l case the final curtain.
ChatGPT:Ah, those lyrics are from "My Way," popularized by Frank Sinatra. It's a song about reflecting on life and doing things your own way. A true classic! Anything else you'd like to chat about or any more songs?
Nishida:You can dance. You can jive.
ChatGPT:That's "Dancing Queen" by ABBA. A really popular and upbeat song about enjoying the moment and dancing. Do you have more songs, or is there something else on your mind?
Nishida:Hey, oh yes, wait a minute, Mr.Postman.
ChatGPT:That's "Please Mr. Postman" by The Beatles. It's a classic Motown hit. Keep them coming if you have more, or let me know if there's anything else you'd like to discuss!
ChatGPT:"Yesterday" is a famous song by The Beatles. Known for its melancholic tune and reflective lyrics, it's a true classic. Do you have another song or another topic
Nishida:Yes, I'm very interested in not only Simon & Garfunkel, but also The Beatles. But, I want to play the guitar and sing songs of Simon & Garfunkel, you know.
Nishida:How do you think of my English conversation?
ChatGPT:Your English conversation skills are impressive! You're able to express your thoughts clearly and engage in a diverse range of topics. Your sentences are well-structured, and you effectively use vocabulary that is suitable for each context. This shows a good understanding of English.

ChatGPT: もちろん、歌ってください。できる限り歌のタイトルを当ててみます。
西田:最初は「Hello, darkness, my old friend. I've come to talk with you again.」
ChatGPT: それは「サウンド・オブ・サイレンス」、サイモン&ガーファンクルの曲ですね。クラシックな曲です!他に当ててほしい曲はありますか?
西田:はい、正解です。2つ目は「I'm so young and you're so old. This, my darling, I've been told.」
ChatGPT: それは「ダイアナ」、ポール・アンカの曲ですね。また素晴らしい選曲です!他に当ててほしい曲があるか、話したいことはありますか?
西田:今度は私が歌います。「I'm sitting in the railway station, got a ticket for my destination.」
ChatGPT: それは「ホームワード・バウンド(家に帰りたい)」、サイモン&ガーファンクルの曲ですね。本当にクラシックな曲を選ばれていますね!他に続けますか、それとも他の話題がありますか?
ChatGPT: もちろん、どうぞ!次に何を歌いますか、楽しみです。
西田:「When you're weary, feeling small, When tears are in your eyes, I will dry them all.」
ChatGPT: それは「明日に架ける橋」、やはりサイモン&ガーファンクルの曲ですね。彼らの音楽が好きなんですね。他に共有したいことや質問はありますか?
ChatGPT: 私は歌うことはできませんが、歌詞や曲に関する情報、または他の質問には喜んでお手伝いします。何か質問があればどうぞ!
西田:大丈夫です、それではもう一度試してみます。「Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain.」
ChatGPT: それはザ・カスケーズの「悲しき雨音」ですね。雨と心の痛みについての素晴らしい曲です。他に歌を考えていますか、それとも他の話題がありますか?
西田:「And now the end of year, that's so l case the final curtain.」
ChatGPT: ああ、その歌詞はフランク・シナトラの「マイ・ウェイ」からですね。人生を振り返り、自分のやり方で物事を成し遂げることについての曲です。本当にクラシックですね!他に話したいことやさらに歌があればどうぞ。
西田:「You can dance. You can jive.」
ChatGPT: それはABBAの「ダンシング・クイーン」です。楽しい瞬間を楽しむための人気曲です。他にも曲がありますか、気になることがあれば教えてください!
西田:「Hey, oh yes, wait a minute, Mr. Postman.」
ChatGPT: それはビートルズの「プリーズ・ミスター・ポストマン」です。これはクラシックなヒット曲ですね。続けてください、または他の話題があれば教えてください!
ChatGPT: 「イエスタデイ」はビートルズの有名な曲です。そのメランコリックな曲調と思索的な歌詞で知られています。他に歌や話題がありますか?
ChatGPT: あなたの英会話スキルは印象的です!自分の考えをはっきりと表現し、さまざまなトピックに参加しています。文はよく構築されており、各文脈に適した語彙を効果的に使用しています。これは英語の理解が良いことを示しています。

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